Croatia - inform and raise awareness on rabies prevention and control
Country: Croatia
Client: EU
Project duration: 2011-2012
In order to fulfil specific objectives of this project, leaflets, posters, brochures for participants of
workshops and press releases prepared and printed by means of this project, were distributed to
general public to provide basic information on oral vaccination programme and support interaction
with organizations involved in campaign (leaflets and posters), and were broadly and timely
distributed to local radio stations, television, newspapers and web pages of institutions involved in
the project (press releases), and disseminated at workshop in the form of brochures.
The aim of the project was to inform and raise awareness on rabies prevention
and control (including oral vaccination of foxes) of both the general public, and
specific target groups, such as veterinarians, hunters and medical doctors.
The project supports the organization and implementation of an awareness campaign for
eradication of rabies in the Western Balkan by the following activities:
• Preparing content of leaflets (including information regarding rabies and the overall project e.g. baits distribution, rabies prevention, related health risks and importance of early detection of rabies) and organizing print of leaflets.• Preparing content of posters (including information regarding rabies and the overall project; as leaflets above) and organizing print of posters. • Preparing content of brochures for hunters, brochure for veterinarians and brochure for medical doctors (including information regarding rabies and the overall project as well as specific information and guidelines for tasks each target group will perform; brochures are to cover all subjects foreseen in curriculum of workshops) and organizing print of brochures.• Preparing 12 press releases for advertisements (for each of 4 distribution campaigns 3 versions of press release are to be suitable for media of publishing: MAFRD website, newspapers and radio). Each press release contained identical general information about rabies and the overall project with addition of updates (to be made for every awareness campaign) regarding activities and results as implementation of the overall project advances.