EU Zoos Directive Guidance and Best Practice Project - VetEffecT

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EU Zoos Directive Guidance and Best Practice Project
Country: Belgium
Client: EU
DG Environment Project duration: 2012-2014
Description: Compiling Guidance and Best Practice documentation to improve welfare for animals in captivity Client: EU DG Environment Project duration: 2012-2014

VetEffecT has led the project to prepare a Zoos Guidance and Best Practice document to improve the implementation of the Zoo Directive 1999/22/EC in Europe. The project focused on the collection and preparation of science-based and practical information related to zoos, in particular concerning research, training, exchange of information, captive breeding and other population support actions; public education and awareness; accommodating animals under satisfactory conditions; preventing escape; and keeping appropriate records, as mentioned in the Zoo Directive.

In order to gather as much input as possible from the field, we have used a consultative approach.We have sent out questionnaires to competent authorities, interest groups and zoos in all Member States of the European Union. Moreover, we have composed a well-balanced and involved Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG) to contribute to the Guidance Document and we composed an expert panel with independent yet experienced zoo experts to enable unbiased consultation regarding the implementation of the Zoo Directive.

The Final Report entitled "EU Zoos Directive Good Practices Document" was published by the Commission in 2015 and can be downloaded here.

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