Evaluation of the EU rapid response network, crisis management and communication
Country: Belgium
Client: EU
DG Sanco
Project duration: 2012
Partners: Agra Ceas
Project Description:
The aim of the project was two-fold: to evaluate the current EU legislative and non-legislative
environment as regards the state of preparedness and the capacity of the EU rapid response
network and in particular to evaluate: the current emergency framework (i.e. the CP and the
SCoFCAH) in tackling epizootics; the implementation of this framework by the MS;
the administrative and technical controls (including FVO inspections/audit) and assistance provided
by Commission Services to the MS; the feasibility of other/additional framework and/or tools
improving control of certain animal disease outbreaks (collection of relevant ideas of MS and other
actors, lessons learned based on existing examples or other prevention measures). The
communication and dissemination strategy, to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficacy of the EU
rapid response network as a key tool to keep a high level of sanitary protection in the EU. b) to
clarify which aspects of current measures need to be improved/changed and to suggest potential
options for improvement, including possible legislative amendments and future developments
based on quantitative data whenever possible.The final report can be downloaded here.