JPIAMR ARCH paper published
VetEffecT is proud partner of ARCH, and together JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net published an academic paper titled: "White Paper: Bridging the gap between surveillance data and antimicrobial stewardship in the animal sector—practical guidance from the JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks" on target actions to link the surveillance of antimicrobial usage and AMR with antimicrobial stewardship in the veterinary setting in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
ARCH is an antimicrobial resistance network: Bridging the gap between humAn and animal suRveillance data, antibiotic poliCy, and stewardship, following award from the JPIAMR 7th transnational call: “2018 Network Call on Surveillance”. Led by prof. Evelina Taconelli from Tübingen University, the ARCH Network brings together multisectoral specialists and networks in the field of animal and human surveillance and antibiotic usage to bridge the gap between surveillance data and antibiotic stewardship. The group aims to produce a series of white papers (“Bridge the Gap: Survey to Treat”) tailored for different settings: hospitals (medical and surgical wards, pediatric clinic, intensive care units), long term care facilities, out-patients ambulatory, and veterinary care.
Pictured: ARCH AMR conference in Verona in 2019.