Mid-term Evaluation of Regulation (EU) 652/2014
Country: Belgium
VetEffecT is awarded the Mid-term evaluation project of Regulation (EU) No
The main purpose for this evaluation is to assess at mid-term the
implementation of the CFF (Common Financial Framework), whose results will
feed into the final evaluation report to be presented to the European Parliament
and to the Council by 31 July 2017.
The evaluation results will be subsequently used during the final evaluation of
the CFF Regulation foreseen for 30 June 2022.
The evaluation will focus on the first three years of implementation of the CFF. It especially
concerns veterinary programmes, veterinary emergency measures, phytosanitary survey
programmes, phytosanitary emergency measures, European Union Reference Laboratories (EURLs)
activities, and BTSF trainings in the food chain area. The evaluation will fully cover the first two
years of the CFF implementation (2014-2015), while 2016 will be partially assessed based on
preliminary data available. The evaluation will cover all 28 Member States and adress specific case
studies for food safety and veterinary eradication programmes: Salmonellosis, Bovine Brcuellosis,
Ovine and Caprine Brucellosis, Bovine Tuberculosis, BSE, and Rabies; Veterinary emergency
measures for HPAI, Plant health eradication and surveillance programmes and emergency
measures, and official controls (EURLs and BTSF).
Tasks under the assignment
The consultation strategy follows the Commission's Better Regulation Guidelines, adn will assess
the 5 criteria Relevance, European added value, effectiveness, Efficiency, and Coherence.
The evaluation study included extensive desk reserach, and, after an stakeholder
mapping exercise, the set-up of a targeted on-line stakeholder consultation, an open public
consultation, and targeted semi-structured interviews. The mapping of stakeholders was one of the
crucial steps in the conduct of this consultation to permit, once accomplished, to better refine the
strategy in a later stage.