Bridging the gap between humAn and animal suRveillance data, antibiotic poliCy,
and stewardsHip (ARCH)
VetEffecT participates in a One Health JPIAMR research network ARCH on AMR (antimicrobial resistance). The ARCH Network uniquely brings together multisectoral specialists and networks in the field of animal and human surveillance to bridge the gap between surveillance data and antibiotic stewardship in both compartments. Surveillance is essential to all aspects of the clinical management of antimicrobial resistance. It provides necessary information to develop empiric therapy guidelines, antibiotic formularies, and stewardship programmes. However, the value of surveillance as a critical component of antimicrobial stewardship is not fully established and the majority of the guidance documents focuses either on laboratory surveillance or antibiotic guidelines.
Activities include:
− drafting four white papers (“Bridge the Gap: Survey to Treat”) tailored to: hospitals (medical and surgical wards, paediatric clinic, intensive care units), long term care facilities, out-patients ambulatory, and veterinary care. The white papers will be developed in the form of checklists (App and paper forms) summarizing the kind of microbiological and antimicrobial use data that are essential for antibiotic prescribing, and how these data relate to antibiotic guidance and stewardship interventions.
The provided services are:
Click here for more information.− organise two one day workshops− develop a strategic research agenda to identify critical areas and gaps in clinical surveillance.− second workshop; white papers and the strategic research agenda will be reviewed and approved.− develop a plan for the sustainability of the network after the funding period. Click here for more information.