VetEffecT is an international agribusiness, sustainable animal production, animal health and welfare, and sanitary and phytosanitary safety (SPS), food safety (FS), and One Health (OH) consultancy company, with experts and experience in building institutional, ministerial and private sector capacities, providing technical assistance in the field and conducting research assignments and sector assessments. VetEffecT and its associated experts have completed agribusiness, food production and animal health development projects in Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle-East and Central and South Asia.VetEffecT was established in 2006 and operates in the following areas:
Sustainable Animal Production | Animal Health and Welfare | Public Health (SPS/FS/OH) |
ExpertsOur in-house staff combine skills in programme management, research, procurement and marketing to ensure VetEffecT’s core activities run smoothly and that our engagement with the aid sector reflects our core values, sector interests and corporate social and environmental responsibilities. We have steadily built a database of more than 2500 international experts in agricultural development, veterinary public health, animal health and production, food safety, food security and trade. This expert database encompasses all 28 EU Member States and a wide variety of non-EU countries. In addition, VetEffecT has a close network of associated experts. These individuals are experts in a particular field with whom we have a close working relationship. We enjoy frequent collaboration with our associated experts in project implementation, research activities and proposal formulation. The network of experts formally associated with VetEffecT includes specialists in the following areas:
- Sustainable animal production;
- Dairy sector development;
- Beef sector development;
- Livestock production & management: swine, poultry, cattle and fish;
- Economic assessment;
- Animal Health;
- Animal Welfare;
- Value chain improvement;
- Trade facilitation;
- Conservation and Biodiversity;
- EU policy;
- SPS/Food Safety;
- One health;
- Anti-microbial resistance;
- Laboratory capacity building and management.
VetEffecT is a member of the following professional associations:
Dutch Poultry Centre
The Dutch Dairy Centre (DDC) is a network of Companies based in the Netherlands that connects leading Dutch companies and institutes in the poultry sector for collaboration and information sharing.
Dutch Dairy Centre
The Dutch Dairy Centre (DDC) is a network of Companies based in the Netherlands who supply a wide range of products and services to the international dairy industry for farmers, farmer co-operatives and milk factories.

Technical Capabilities of the FirmVetEffecT’s technical capabilities comprise the following:
- Provision of technical assistance throughout the animal production chain, from farm to fork, in the fields of animal health and welfare, production efficiency and commercial potential, product safety and quality, international standardisation (WTO SPS rules, ISO, HACCP etc);
- Economical and financial analysis of animal and food production processes, such as cost-benefit studies, financial models for farming etc;
- Value chain analysis and development;
- Capacity building and training of farmers, extension officers, official and private veterinarians, inspection officers and government officials;
- Managing complex multi-disciplinary projects with multiple stakeholder involvement;
- Conducting complex research studies and sector assessments and stakeholder engagement;
- Providing multi-level stakeholder recommendations in a variety of contexts for example on slaughterhouse best practises; the implementation of public-private funding (PPF) for disease prevention and eradication in Ukraine; strategy development for the beef value chain in Uganda, the expansion of the Egyptian Dairy Sector;
- Project management and financial administration.
VetEffecT is experienced in providing technical assistance in animal health and welfare, including transboundary and cost-benefit approaches in disease control, and development of surveillance and inspection programmes for animal health and food safety. VetEffecT and its associated experts have worked in different Eastern European countries such as Armenia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Romania, Russia, Turkey , Kazakhstan and also recently building-up the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA). It has also performed avian influenza control projects for DG SANTE in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa, and has trained the veterinary inspection service in Romania in combating Avian Influenza and Classical Swine fever. Also, VetEffecT coordinated the DG SANCO project on evaluation of Central Reference Laboratories in the EU. In Suriname we have set up a central veterinary laboratory in Paramaribo, and provided subsequent support in building and equipping of the laboratory, and the training of laboratory staff. Assistance was also provided during the design and implementation of a national survey on infectious diseases. VetEffecT has experience in leading projects up to € 600.000 and has been involved in projects at a partner with values of 5 M€.
Quality Assurance
VetEffecT adheres to the principles of Prince2© best project management practices with Prince2© licensed project managers. This ensures adequate preparation of proposals, resource planning and subsequently follow up of earmarked project deliverables and results, as well as managing risks. VetEffecT has experience producing reports and studies for international organisations and donors with a high level of quality and professionalism. For example, in 2016 VetEffecT conducted a 10-month study for the European Parliament titled: Precision Agriculture and the future of farming in Europe. The key purpose of the study was to investigate new technologies within the broad definition of Precision Agriculture[1].