Sustainable Animal Production - Projects
VetEffecT was awarded the project "Harmonisation of Veterinary Certificates" by CEFTA.
The overall objective of the SEED+ 2023-04 project of which this contract is a part is to facilitate and expedite trade among CEFTA Parties (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo) with respect to the veterinary matters, animal health, and food safety, in particular towards the harmonisation of Veterinary Certificates. The purpose of this contract is to achieve the use of harmonized Veterinary Certificates, addressing diverging requirements in the individual CEFTA Parties, and then discussing and agreeing on harmonized veterinary certificates on a product-by-product basis.

VetEffecT in collaboration with RVO organises a dairy fact finding for Dutch entrepreneurs to identify business opportunities in Kurdistan and Iraq in September 2023. In the regions of Sulaymaniyah, Halabjah and Erbil, there will be visits to cattle and goat farms (dairy and cheese), processing plants, feed factory, veterinary labs (and many others) as well as business events with government officials, investment boards and investors and dairy processing companies are organised. Click here for more information on the on the KRI Dairy Sector & Market, its needs and the business climate in KRI.

VetEffecT has been awarded a project regarding the supporting of Moldovan producers of food products to access the highly demanding European markets. This assessment will look at the enterprise-level systems in place covering use/ purchase of raw material, production, handling, processing and distribution of eggs and poultry meat products intended for export to the EU.

VetEffecT executed a Dairy Sector Study for the RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) in Bangladesh in 2022-2023

VetEffecT has conducted a study for the European Parliament’s Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) to prepare an overview of options for European farmers to work in a sustainable manner while securing overall food production, preserving biodiversity, and supporting the farmers’ income. Crop protection practices are often associated with the use of plant protection products (PPPs), i.e. pesticides. The EU policy tends to aim at reduction in the use of PPPs.

VetEffecT has been awarded a contract for the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in Uzbekistan. The study evaluated the feasibility for financial inclusion of livestock sector farmers and enterprises in Uzbekistan which would be financed through an AFD loan of 150 million euros and an EU grant of 15 million euros from the Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA), delegated to the AFD.

VetEffecT has been awarded a framework contract project for the European Commission (STOA). The purpose of the assignment is to analyse the impact of scientific and technological developments, describe approaches to solving technology-related problem areas and identify policy options for action in the field of environmental, health and food safety matters. And at the same time providing the Parliament with a long-term perspective in their political work.

VetEffecT has completed a dairy development project in Uganda commissioned by the IFC for Pearl Dairy.

The aim of the performance audit was an assessment of key processes and farm operations affecting pig health and welfare, growth and carcass classification.

VetEffecT has been awarded the project "Review of best practices in climate smart pork production" for IFC (Worldbank) (2017). Successful companies and farmers of the future will need to produce with high efficiency (“sustainable intensification”) , use minimal energy, water, nutrients and other resources, cause a minimal carbon footprint, and causing minimal GHG (Green House Gasses) emissions, minimal waste and effluents. Respecting animal welfare, wildlife and the environment are other key conditions.

The study is performed for the scientific foresight unit STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) of the European Parliament (EP). The study is forward looking, and to support members of EP. The overall purpose of the project is to identify legislative pathways for the EU Parliament towards a sustainable, efficient and competitive agriculture in the EU, and for supporting development of skilled workforces in the farming sector in the EU in the future.

This dairy development project will be implemented from 2015-2018 in Pakistan in partnership with one of the large dairy processors in the country, aiming to improve the quality and quantity of milk produced by dairy farmers, and supplied for processing.

The overarching goal of the project was to identify needs and propose actions aimed at improving the performance of agricultural SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises), focusing specifically on small and medium farmers. The rationale was to strengthen and increase the economic efficiency of the Egyptian dairy sector by improving small farmers’ livelihoods, linking them to the market, improve their productive and allocative capacity, create employment and reach a sustainable development model.

The main purpose of the contract (G2G08/AG/8/1) was to strengthen the dairy sector and support dairy development in Algeria, to improve trade and agribusiness.