Improvement of the dairy infrastructure in Algeria
Country: Algeria
The main purpose of the contract (G2G08/AG/8/1) was to strengthen the dairy sector and support dairy development in Algeria, to improve trade and agribusiness.
Activities included:
- organise a study visit for Algerian government officials and representatives of the dairy sector to the Netherlands.
- provide a training programme for Algerian trainers in the Netherlands As a direct follow up of the Study Visit in the Netherlands in May 2009, a Fact Finding mission was organised in the following month in the course of the EVD project, to assess the training activities in the Project and to evaluate the possibilities of the Guelma farm as demonstration and training farm for the development of the dairy sector in Algeria, as future options for the Dutch-Algerian cooperation in the dairy sector, and to prepare a SWOT analysis for the dairy sector in Algeria.
Subsequently a training course was held in the Netherlands. Male and female delegates from Algeria were trained . The participants were selected from different institutes form in Algeria, including ITMAS (Institut de Technologie Moyen Agricoles Spécialisés (I.T.M.A.S) in Guelma. - provide a training programme for Algerian trainers in Algeria. The training was conducted at the Centre de Formation et de Vulgarisation Agricole de Medea (CFVA), based on the train-the-trainer concept.