Business opportunities in dairy and horticulture in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
RVO Zuivel-Horti Missie & Agropack Beurs in september in Kurdistan - 17 - 20 September 2023
The Dutch Consulate in Erbil in collaboration with RVO and VetEffecT organises a mission for Dutch entrepreneurs to identify business opportunities in Kurdistan region in sustainable dairy and horticulture. In the provinces of Sulaymaniyah, Halabja and Erbil, visits are planned to cattle and goat farms (dairy and cheese), processing plants, Dutch greenhouses (hydroponic with packaging line as business example), and potato plants. Water, land and energy aspects will be addressed. Participants will also visit the AGRO Pack, have the opportunity to present their own products/services, and participate in matchmaking events with local investors, business representatives, and staff of the regional agricultural directorate. Moreover, business events with government officials, investment boards and investors will be organised. The programme can be adapted based on participants' needs and suggestions, therefore feel free to inform us about any visit requests. You can choose the dairy programme or the horticulture programme.
Please find below the two programs to choose from. For more information on the KRI Dairy Sector & Market, its needs and the business climate in KRI, please continue reading below.
Deadline for application: 12 September
VetEffecT is proud partner of ARCH, and together JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net published an academic called:"White Paper: Bridging the gap between surveillance data and antimicrobial stewardship in the animal sector - practical guidance from the jPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks" in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy on target actions to link the surveillance of antimicrobial usage and AMR with antimicrobial stewardship in the veterinary setting.
VetEffecT is conducting a study for the European Parliament’s Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) to prepare an overview of options for European farmers to work in a sustainable manner while securing overall food production, preserving biodiversity, and supporting the farmers’ income. Crop protection practices are often associated with the use of plant protection products (PPPs), i.e. pesticides. The EU policy tends to aim at reduction in the use of PPPs. Read more.
Evaluation of the Agency's Work in the Area of Nuclear Applications for Animal Production and Health
VetEffecT has conducted an evaluation of the Animal Production and Health Section (APH) of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture (NAFA), Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications (NA) of the IAEA. In collaboration with the IAEA Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) , APH operations were evaluated. The APH operations include research in international research networks on laboratory diagnosis of animal diseases using nuclear or nuclear derived techniques; managing the VETLAB network; and veterinary laboratory capacity building in animal disease prevention and control training for Member States. The subject of the evaluation were the APH activities for the IAEA Subprogramme 2.1.2 - Sustainable Intensification of Livestock Production Systems, and in particular to: (i) assess the performance and results of the APH operations in recent years; and (ii) generate findings and recommendations for the Member States and the Agency’s management for future operations. Read more.

His Excellency, the Ambassador from Uzbekistan, Mr. Dilyor Khakimov honored us with a visit on August 21 at the VetEffecT office, accompanied by the First Secretary Mr. Babur Sabirov. The main topic of conversation was the possible contribution of Dutch service and technology companies, such as VetEffecT, to the development of the livestock sector in Uzbekistan. Read more.
VetEffecT is working to decrease the use of antibiotics in animal production in its international and national projects by introducing good practices in dairy, poultry, pig and other animal production sectors to reduce antimicrobial resistance. Especially where the risks are the biggest: low and middle income countries (LMICs). Read more.
VetEffecT has been awarded a contract for the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in Uzbekistan. The study shall evaluate the feasibility of financial inclusion to support the sustainable development of the livestock sector which would befinanced through an AFD loan of 150 million euros and an EU grant of 15 million euros from the Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA), delegated to the AFD. Read more.

The purpose of the Zoos Directive is the conservation and protection of wild animals outside their natural habitat and to strengthen the role of zoos in the conservation of biological biodiversity. This study is carried out in order to assess whether the Zoos Directive meets its goal and whether or not the different member states have implemented legislation with the help of the Zoos Directive. The Final study report in English, including all results obtained, can be accessed HERE. Read more.
Pakistan Dairy Supply Chain Development Project (PDSCDP) is an IFC initiative executed by VetEffecT and Solve Agri Pak. Willem van der Bent, associated expert of VetEffecT and trainer in the program, tells his story. A big dairy processor and important player in the Pakistan dairy market, has a high demand for fresh and high quality milk. Many investors in Punjab opt for the dairy sector. In turn, existing dairy farms have been expanding their herd or switching from the traditional buffalo to a pure milk breed cow, in order to achieve a higher milk production per animal and a higher farm income. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded a framework contract project for the European Commission. The purpose of the assignment is to analyse the impact of scientific and technological developments, describe approaches to solving technology-related problem areas and identify policy options for action in the field of environmental, health and food safety matters. And at the same time providing the Parliament with a long-term perspective in their political work. Read more.
Commissioned by the IFC and Pearl Dairy, VetEffecT together with the Friesian, implements a Dairy Development Program in Uganda. The goal is to increase farmer productivity and achieve a sustainable increase in milk production of Pearl Dairy’s existing suppliers, by 200,000 liters per day. Read more.

Latest research discovers that use of social media posts and online search data allows rapid identification of potential MRSA outbreaks. The study suggests that when combined in an automated system with real-time updates, this might increase early discovery and subsequent rapid implementation of measures to prevent further MRSA spread. The paper was taken up by several AMR information platforms Read the paper HERE. Read more.
Peter van Horne and Jan Hulzebosch were asked to conduct research into how Ukrainian producers can increase exports of eggs to Europe through adopting more animal friendly housing systems. As such, they were invited to make a field visit to two layer farms in Ukraine. Read more.
VetEffecT participated in an agricultural trade mission to Uzbekistan in March 2018 with the Dutch Embassy to explore opportunities for sustainable animal production. Read more.

Instead of sending Christmas cards at the end of 2017, VetEffecT made a donation to 4smilingfaces for the purchase of a beamer, for the after-school care SHCOP (Second Home Child Outreach Program) in Nepal. More information "A beautiful Christmas gift from VetEffecT: a gift for a media projector for the after-school care SHCOP. Read more.
VetEffecT has been awarded a framework contract project in Ukraine for the EBRD. The purpose of the assignment is to perform a cost-benefit analysis of replacing the existing non-EU compliant cages of a large layer poultry farming with each of three possible options: free range, barns (like those used for broilers) and aviary systems (multi-layered open cages), to provide a business case, and prepare a presentation on the subject. For the company we will make an analysis of the current situation with focus on poultry houses, equipment and management. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded the contract for The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to revise the ECDC training materials, using agreed sets of criteria, for adjustments to the training materials on agreed points, to apply logical metadata tagging, and for uploading the revised materials to the appropriate platforms.The project is led by Transmissible. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded the Framework contract for the provision of services in the areas of evaluation, impact assessment, monitoring and implementation and of other related services, in relation to the Health and Food policies, launched by DG Sante. These services aim at supporting the decision making and planning process in line with the Commission's commitment for a "Better Regulation". Better regulation principles entail quality evidence based policy choices by ensuring that its proposals meet policy goals at minimum cost and deliver maximum benefits to citizens, businesses and workers while avoiding all unnecessary regulatory burdens. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded a framework contract project for the EBRD: Regional Programme for Improving Animal Welfare Standards in Agribusiness - Conducting Animal Welfare Audits and Developing Action Plans for Agribusinesses (EBRD Project Ref 67313). The project runs 3 years (2017-2019). As one of the first assignments, VetEffecT has been awarded a project in Egypt, to conduct an animal welfare audit and developing an animal welfare action plan for for a large dairy enterprise (approx. 15000 heads of cattle). Read more.

The study was carried out for the EBRD (the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), through desk study, workshop and stakeholder interviews. The purpose of this project was to evaluate if a cost-sharing system for controlling animal disease outbreaks would be feasible for Ukraine. Read more.

VetEffecT carried out a framework contract on food safety and laboraties under EDES COLEACP. A laboratory training mission was carried out in Paramaribo, Surinam, in March and April 2014. The main part of the mission consisted of a practical training in the microbiological testing of foods for staff from laboratories involved in official food controls. The training contributed to a better knowledge of food microbiology in Suriname and especially to better possibilities for testing the microbiological safety and quality of food available on the Surinam market. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded the "Study on the welfare of farmed fish: common practices during transport and at slaughter” under the Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation, impact assessment and related services (SANCO/2012/02/11). The study involved desk research, setting up an on-line survey in 11 countries, targeted semi-structured interviews and set up of focus groups. The final study report can be downloaded HERE. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded the project "Review of best practices in climate smart pork production" for IFC. Successful companies and farmers of the future will need to produce with high efficiency (“sustainable intensification”) , use minimal energy, water, nutrients and other resources, cause a minimal carbon footprint, and causing minimal GHG (Green House Gasses) emissions, and minimal waste and effluents. Respecting animal welfare, wildlife and the environment are other key conditions. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded the Mid-term evaluation project of Regulation (EU) No 652/2014. The main purpose for this evaluation is to assess at mid-term the implementation of the CFF (Common Financial Framework), whose results will feed into the final evaluation report to be presented to the European Parliament and to the Council by 31 July 2017. The evaluation results will be subsequently used during the final evaluation of the CFF Regulation foreseen for 30 June 2022. Read more.

Successful companies and farmers of the future will need to:
- produce with high efficiency
- use minimal energy, water, nutrients and other resources,
- cause a minimal carbon footprint, and causing minimal GHG (Green House Gasses) waste and effluents.
Sustainable farming, respecting animal welfare, wildlife and the environment are obvious other key conditions.
The coming years many farms and companies will be transforming their operations, to adapt to the modern:
- 'license to produce'
- new regulations and standards.
New animal production facilities and farm management systems must be designed taking these factors on board. High yields (per animal or per hectare, respecting animal welfare) and minimizing cost of production and at the same time having a minimal negative impact on water pollution, GHG emissions, and animal welfare will determine the competitive advantage of future succesful companies, farmers and other producers.
For international projects in these areas VetEffecT is establishing teams of qualified experts that are experienced and interested to analyse and advise companies and farmers in these fields. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded a study for the European Commission (DG Environment) to support the evaluation of the Zoos Directive (Council Directive 1999/22/EC). The objective for the evaluation of the Zoos Directive is to support the European Commission’s Zoos Directive Regulatory Fitness Check and Performance (REFIT) programme. This study is carried out in order to assess whether the Zoos Directive meets its goal and whether or not the different member states have implemented legislation with the help of the Zoos Directive. Read more.

The study is performed for the scientific foresight unit STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) of the European Parliament (EP). The study is forward looking, and supports members of EP. The overall purpose of the project is to identify legislative pathways for the EU Parliament towards an sustainable, efficient and competitive agriculture in the EU, and for supporting development of skilled workforces in the farming sector in the EU. Read more.

The final report of our project on the Zoos Directive has been published by the Commission. Member States are responsible for applying the provisions of the Zoos Directive 1999/22/EC and ensuring their necessary enforcement. Read more.
VetEffecT has joined the Dutch Dairy Centre (DDC) as affiliate. The Dutch Dairy Centre is a network of over 60 companies from the Netherlands supplying a wide range of products and services to the international dairy industry. It is a unique point of contact for dairy development activities of foreign investors, project developers as well as government agencies. Read more.

A new report on the success of oral vaccination againt rabies is published by EFSA. The report provides an update on oral rabies vaccination (ORV) of foxes and raccoon dogs. Foxes are the only known reservoir for rabies in Europe, and raccoon dogs are important transmitters of the disease. Read more.

VetEffecT has been awarded the Pakistan Dairy Supply Chain Development project by the Worldbank. The project will be implemented in Pakistan in partnership with one of the large dairy processors in the country, aiming to improve the quality and quantity of milk produced by dairy farmers, and supplied for processing. Read more.

A new EU wide report on honey bee colony mortality published by EPILOBEE May 5th, 2015, showed slightly decrased mortality rates of honey bee colonies, but large variations among the 17 participating EU countries. Read more.
The WHO published April 29 2015 a world wide situation report on antibiotic resistance. Although a quarter of countries that responded to the WHO survey have national plans to preserve antimicrobial medicines like antibiotics, there are major gaps in actions needed across all 6 WHO regions to prevent the misuse of antibiotics and reduce spread of antimicrobial resistance. Read more.
The Final Report of the EU Framework 7-funded CALLISTO project is published. It summarises findings of the CALLISTO (Companion Animal multisectoriaL interprofessionaL and interdisciplinary Strategic Think tank On zoonoses) team on risks that consumers contract zoonoses from companion animals. Read more.
The Commission published Feb 26, 2015 a progress report on its five year Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The report summarises the progress made under each of the 12 actions. Read more.

A first joint report of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on the integrated analysis of the consumption of antimicrobial agents and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from humans and food-producing animals has been published. Read more.

The IUCN Species Survival Commission has published new Guidelines on the Use of Ex situ Management for Species Conservation. Read more.

The European Food Safety Authority EFSA and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECDC have published the new summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks that occured in 2013 in 32 European countries (28 Member States and four non-Member States). Read more.

VetEffecT is working in a project in Armenia to improve the capacity of the State Service for Food Safety (SSFS) to conduct economic analyses of diseases impact, as well as the cost of prevention, control and eradication strategies. The project is implemented under the Food Safety Capacity Building Project. Read more.