Animal Health and Welfare - Projects
The project aims to develop effective science-based interventions to reduce the demand for illegally sourced exotic pets. The objectives encompass conducting research in EU Member States, identifying best practices, and designing/testing interventions. The comprehensive approach involves analyzing consumer profiles, values, and motivations, evaluating past interventions, and engaging stakeholders. The ultimate goal is to formulate recommendations, design pilot interventions, and implement them in targeted Member States, with the project emphasizing collaboration and a commitment to evidence-based decision-making.

To improve implementation of the Zoos Directive, this project provides a forum for key zoo stakeholders to exchange knowledge, experience and best practice on different topics, by developing and organising pilot trainings for Member States' authorities and other relevant practitioners, particularly zoo managers, as well as by supporting Member States’ competent authorities in using peer-to-peer mechanisms to spread best practice and transfer of know-how on zoo licensing and inspection.

VetEffecT has been awarded an Aquatic Animal Health study by IFC on improving biosecurity in aquaculture and to perform related cost-benefit assessments for Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Peru and Vietnam. Involved species involve shrimp, fresh water rainbow trout, ornamental fish, pangasius and seaweed.

Evaluation of the Agency's Work in the Area of Nuclear Applications for Animal Production and Health
VetEffecT has conducted an evaluation of the Animal Production and Health Section (APH) of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture (NAFA), Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications (NA) of the IAEA. In collaboration with the IAEA Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) , APH operations were evaluated. The APH operations include research in international research networks on laboratory diagnosis of animal diseases using nuclear or nuclear derived techniques; managing the VETLAB network; and veterinary laboratory capacity building in animal disease prevention and control training for Member States.

For a large poultry company in Ukraine a cost-benefit analysis was made of the animal welfare situation with focus on poultry houses, equipment and management, and on the costs of improving the facilities to comply with EU poultry welfare standards. Economics and costs of egg production was calculated for the present situation, and when poultry houses would be modernised. In addition we will collect data on market prices of eggs for this company and in Ukraine.

VetEffecT organised a study tour for a week in the Netherlands for a delegation of the State Service for Management of Agricultural Projects and Credits under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the course of the Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project (ACIP), jointly funded by the Republic of Azerbaijan and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

A laboratory training mission was carried out in Paramaribo, Surinam, in March and April 2014. The main part of the mission consisted of a practical training in the microbiological testing of foods for staff from laboratories involved in official food controls. The training contributed to a better knowledge of food microbiology in Suriname and especially to better possibilities for testing the microbiological safety and quality of food available on the Surinam market.

The implementation of the Zoos Directive 1999/22/EC has proven difficult in many EU countries, due to lack of knowledge among inspectors on appropriate behaviour and housing conditions for the many different animal species that are kept in zoos across Europe. Therefore the Born Free Foundation asked VetEffecT to conduct a survey to identify the need for training for zoo inspectors.

The study was carried out for the EBRD (the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), through desk study, workshop and stakeholder interviews. The purpose of this project was to evaluate if a cost-sharing system for controlling animal disease outbreaks would be feasible for Ukraine.

Animal welfare audit and action plan for a large dairy enterprise. VetEffecT has been awarded a framework contract project for the EBRD: Regional Programme for Improving Animal Welfare Standards in Agribusiness - Conducting Animal Welfare Audits and Developing Action Plans for Agribusinesses (EBRD Project Ref 67313). The project runs 3 years (2017-2019). As one of the first assignments, VetEffecT has been awarded a project in Egypt, to conduct an animal welfare audit and developing an animal welfare action plan for for a large dairy enterprise (approx. 15000 heads of cattle). The project will be carried out through assessment, desk research and farm-visits. The executive team will consist of international and local experts in the field of animal welfare and the dairy sector.

VetEffecT has been awarded the ‘Study on the welfare of farmed fish: common practices during transport and at slaughter” under the Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation, impact assessment and related services (SANCO/2012/02/11). The study involved desk research, setting up an on-line survey in 11 countries, targeted semi-structured interviews and set up of focus groups.

VetEffecT is awarded the Mid-term evaluation project of Regulation (EU) No 652/2014.The main purpose for this evaluation is to assess at mid-term the implementation of the CFF (Common Financial Framework), whose results will feed into the final evaluation report to be presented to the European Parliament and to the Council by 31 July 2017.The evaluation results will be subsequently used during the final evaluation of the CFF Regulation foreseen for 30 June 2022.

The purpose of the Zoos Directive is the conservation and protection of wild animals outside their natural habitat and to strengthen the role of zoos in the conservation of biological biodiversity. The objective for the evaluation of the Zoos Directive is to support the European Commission’s Zoos Directive Regulatory Fitness Check and Performance (REFIT) programme. This study is carried out in order to assess whether the Zoos Directive meets its goal and whether or not the different member states have implemented legislation with the help of the Zoos Directive.

The dog and cat population in the EU is estimated at one hundred million animals, mainly privately owned. The breeding of and trade in the animals present an important economic activity. Intra-Union trade in dogs and cats is regulated at EU-level due to the potential animal and public health risks. These animals must undergo a clinical examination prior to the time of their dispatch, showing that they are fit to be transported for the intended journey. All in accordance tot EC regulations. Movements are to be notified within the Trade Control and Export System (TRACES).

For UNIDO, VetEffecT performed a conformity assessment of the central veterinary laboratory and food science laboratories in Swaziland.

The aim of the project was to inform and raise awareness on rabies prevention and control (including oral vaccination of foxes) of both the general public, and specific target groups, such as veterinarians, hunters and medical doctors.

The aim of the project was two-fold: to evaluate the current EU legislative and non-legislative environment as regards the state of preparedness and the capacity of the EU rapid response network and in particular to evaluate: the current emergency framework (i.e. the CP and the SCoFCAH) in tackling epizootics and the implementation of this framework by the MS.
Compiling Guidance and Best Practice documentation to improve welfare for animals in captivity.

The Technical Assistance project supports the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to provide the coordination of the nation wide eartagging and vaccination campaign of ovine and caprine animals by laying down the infrastructure of the veterinary services. 65 million ovine and caprine animals will be eartagged over 3 years with conventional means of identification. These eartagged animals will be registered into a fully functioning database system which will be developed under the scope of another contract. For the control of Peste de Petits Ruminants (PPR) disease a vaccination campaign will be implemented together with the eartagging operations.
The project provided guidance and support for brucellosis and tuberculosis control in Turkey in a collaborative project between the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food and the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

The overall objective of the evaluation is to achieve harmonisation of surveillance, diagnosis and control of animal diseases through the activities of Community Reference Laboratories. The specific purpose is to evaluate the functioning, performance and fulfillment of the obligations and duties of the CRLs in the field of animal health and live animals, as established in EU legislation and work programmes.

The general aim of the Study Visit was to provide better understanding of the animal health control network used in the Netherlands, and to promote better insight in the Dutch poultry and animal sector and functioning of modern-day organization of public sector veterinary services at national level and the relation public-private partnerships connected with it. Furthermore providing an insight into the routine functioning of the institutions involved in the prevention and control of poultry diseases for orientation to improve outbreak management preparedness.

The project consisted of various linked activities: the design of a central veterinary laboratory in Paramaribo, and subsequent support with the building and equipping of the laboratory, and subsequent training of laboratory staff. Diagnostic tests for the main contagious diseases were set up and a road map for future development of the laboratory was developed. Also, assistance was provided during the design and implementation of a national survey on infectious diseases in Surinam, by training of government officials in risk assessment, sampling and sampling strategies, surveillance and data analysis, focused on cattle, poultry and pig diseases.

Organisation and management of a workshop on HPAI control for Chief Veterinary Officers, Senior Government Officials and other interested representatives of EU Member States, Candidate countries, ENP and third countries and international organisations involved in HPAI control. The purpose is to have an interactive workshop on needs for training and/or assistance activities from countries affected by HPAI, lessons learned from past activities under the DG Sanco Training for Safer Food Programme, and to discuss future activities under the Training for Safer Food Programme, and the relation with other international initiatives.
Project Management and recruiting services, veterinary technical assistance; legislative harmonisation, staff training training of laboratory and government personnel in disease surveillance and control.

Strengthening of HPAI control by sustained training missions in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia, and by the organisation of an International Laboratory Workshop in AI diagnosis and control. Project management to provision of technical assistance in the Laboratory Workshop.

Strengthening of state veterinary control over animal health, veterinary border control and laboratory diagnostic system in accordance with the EU acquis. Provision of technical assistance in training and workshops to improve the laboratory network in Poland.

Project management and financial administration. Assurance of food safety through strengthening of veterinary surveillance and animal traceability system; Increase the competences of the Food and Veterinary Service in Riga to ensure implementation of uniform procedures and efficient system for control of animals kept for farming purposes; to develop electronic animal register documentation flow system and archive including crosscheck procedures on slaughterhouses and corpse collecting organizations.

Strengthening of the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and its services to undertake the priorities for the EU alignment and implement the reforms identified in the current Accession Partnership and the National Program for the Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA); prepare updated checklists (inventory) prepared for the laboratory equipment in place, functions, budget, capacity, analyses and recommendations per sub-sector, including dairy laboratories. Develop a Strategy for reorganization of the laboratory system in Bulgaria, including which laboratories and services could be merged and presenting the advantages and inconveniencies, taking in consideration also dairy sector, and the National Dairy Board as the non-profit organisation to supervise the quantity and quality of milk provided by producers to processors.