Evaluation study to support the evaluation of the Zoos Directive (Council Directive 1999/22/EC)
Country: Belgium
The purpose of the Zoos Directive is the conservation and protection of wild
animals outside their natural habitat and to strengthen the role of zoos in the
conservation of biological biodiversity. The objective for the evaluation of the
Zoos Directive is to support the European Commission’s Zoos Directive
Regulatory Fitness Check and Performance (REFIT) programme. This study is
carried out in order to assess whether the Zoos Directive meets its goal and
whether or not the different member states have implemented legislation with
the help of the Zoos Directive.
The tasks performed for this study are:
Development of framework and methodology to address the issues under examination. A
work plan to further describe the approach and the tools to be used for collecting and assessing
evidence. The evaluation is set up in accordance with “Better Regulation Package” and the “Better
Regulation Guidelines” for carrying out evaluations under REFIT. This calls for addressing
evaluation criteria for efficiency, relevance, coherence, and EU added value. Specific attention is
paid to validation of data by triangulation to enhance the credibility of the findings.
A review of relevant available information and evidence. This is done by database searches
and a literature review. The literature review covers both methodological international literature
and empirical international literature. Peer-reviewed articles and congress papers are used to
provide peer-reviewed information and to guarantee the reliability of the literature review.
Information is collected from existing evaluations, studies, reports, audits, information on
infringements, complaints, court rulings, information and recommendations from stakeholders. This
will include evidence available at EU and Member State levels from competent authorities,
agencies, economic sectors, NGOs, scientific/technical journals, business and the private sector.
Websites, technical journals and grey literature are consulted as these may contain further useful
Consultation with at least 14 representative member states and stakeholders through
written, face-to-face, telephone or web-based interviews or structured questionnaires.
Undertake a public consultation to obtain the views of citizens and civil society through a
structured questionnaire. The evaluation includes a public consultation by internet to get the
views of citizens and civil society. A structured public questionnaire is prepared in consultation with
the Commission, and necessary materials for the public consultation are produced by way of the
Commission’s web site – “Your Voice in Europe”). Subsequently results are evaluated in accordance
with the normal procedures applying to public consultation exercises undertaken by the
Evaluating relevant information and evidence sources at EU and member states
levels. The information collected will be systematically evaluated for the five different evaluation
criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, and EU added value. A comprehensive
assessment and synthesis of the available relevant evidence and information is effectuated aimed
at answering as far as possible each of the questions posed for different categories of the
A one day international workshop will be organized in Brussels to present the main findings of
the draft report, to assess the feedback of the stakeholders. Approximately 100 participants should
be foreseen to ensure the most relevant parties in the workshop.
The Final study report in English, including all results obtained, can be accessed here.