Microbiological testing of food in Suriname
Country: Suriname
A laboratory training mission was carried out in Paramaribo, Surinam, in March
and April 2014. The main part of the mission consisted of a practical training in
the microbiological testing of foods for staff from laboratories involved in
official food controls. The training contributed to a better knowledge of food
microbiology in Suriname and especially to better possibilities for testing the
microbiological safety and quality of food available on the Surinam market.
The overall purpose of the project is to focus on laboratory strengthening and training of
government staff of competent authorities and of private food business operators to be in
conformity with EU and WTO-SPS regulations such as OIE, Codex Alimentarius, and IPPC
During the practical training food samples taken from shops and markets were tested for the
presence and numbers of ‘indicator organisms’ and bacteria that may cause foodborne illness. The
tests were performed following ISO standard methods and the results were analysed for
compliance with EU Regulations. The training further included presentations and discussions on
different aspects of food microbiology, such as ‘Characteristics of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella,
pathogenic E. coli, Campylobacter, Vibrio, Listeria, etc.)’, ‘Microbiological criteria for foods’ and
‘Quality assurance of microbiological examinations’. This theoretical part of the training was
followed by a wider group of interested people from governmental institutions, industries and
In short, new diagnostic techniques were introduced and trained and the lab was further prepared
for accreditation. VeteffecT has had a significant role in helping to improve the laboratory, by
providing training and technical assistance for present and new staff.
About EDES
EDES aims to secure the flow of food products of animal and plant origin towards the EU or at
regional level, in particular by making small-scale growers in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries
key actors within the supply chain. COLEACP (Le Comité de liaison Europe-Afrique-CaraïbesPacifique), in cooperation with a consortium of European food safety agencies, has been entrusted
by the European Union with the implementation of the EDES Programme.