Evaluation Of Community Reference Laboratories In The Field Of Animal Health And Live Animals
Country: Belgium
Client: EU, Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG Sanco)
Project duration: 2008-2009
Project Description: The overall objective of the evaluation is to achieve harmonisation of surveillance, diagnosis and control of animal diseases through the activities of Community Reference Laboratories. The specific purpose is to evaluate the functioning, performance and fulfillment of the obligations and duties of the CRLs in the field of animal health and live animals, as established in EU legislation and work programmes.
Type of services: Evaluation and assessment of aspects related to relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, utility and sustainability of each of the CRLs in the field of animal health and live animals, and of the CRLs structure in the animal health field as a whole (Evaluation of 12 CRLs: CRL for Avian Influenza, CRL for Newcastle Disease, CRL for Bluetongue, CRL for African Horses sickness, CRL for Swine Vesicular Disease, CRL for African Swine Fever, CRL for Rabies (serology), CRL for Bivalve molluscs diseases, CRL for Zootechnics (bovine breeding), CRL for Fish diseases, CRL for Classical Swine Fever, CRL for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs)
The final report can be downloaded here.