Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Country: Belgium
VetEffecT has been awarded a framework contract project for the European Commission (STOA). The purpose of the assignment is to analyse the impact of scientific and technological developments, describe approaches to solving technology-related problem areas and identify policy options for action in the field of environmental, health and food safety matters. And at the same time providing the Parliament with a long-term perspective in their political work.
The European Parliament has repeatedly called for a new agenda for future European growth with resource efficiency at its core, which would require some radical changes in our production and consumption patterns. Turning the Union into a resource-efficient, green and competitive lowcarbon economy is in fact one of the three objectives of the 7th Environment Action Programme. Moreover, the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, as part of the Europe 2020 Strategy for a smart, inclusive and sustainable economy, is expected to transform the EU’s economy into a sustainable one by 2050 by strengthening the green economy and tackling climate change.
The project will be executed through two types of studies, namely technology assessment studies (TA) and scientific foresight studies.This project leads to the identification of possible future concerns and opportunities, which are - in what is called a ‘legal backcasting phase’, mirrored by a list of policy options and additional ethical and legal reflections on possible new legislative initiatives which might help to anticipate possible future developments.
Multiple framework service contract in five (5) lots for the provision of external expertise in the field of Technology Options Assessment and Scientific Foresight (STOA) EPRS/STOA/17/004.