EU Export Readiness Suppport Program for the Egg and Poultry Sector in Moldova
Currently, the Republic of Moldova is not allowed to export eggs, poultry meat and poultry meat products to the EU. According to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 of 8 August 2008 is at present authorised to export only egg products, however at present Moldova does not have any egg products establishments approved for export to the EU. The objective of the IFC Moldova Investment Climate Reform Project (MD ICR Project) is to increase Moldova's private sector market competitiveness and agriculture exports by improving the business enabling environment and institutional capabilities in order to take full advantage of the Association Agreement with the European Union, which encompasses a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/DCFTA).
The purpose of the current project is supporting Moldovan producers of food products to access the highly demanding European markets. This assessment will look at the enterprise-level systems in place covering use/ purchase of raw material, production, handling, processing and distribution of eggs and poultry meat products intended for export to the EU.
During the implementation of this project, the following questions shall be answered:
- Readiness level in complying with EU requirements for the respective products;
- Identification the compliance gasps;
- Development a plan of action for the removal of gaps.